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Eight misconceptions about the quality of pig feed products
Time:2018-5-10 9:16:28      Click:1838
1. The colour and lustre
Colour and lustre is the first appearance quality character of commodity feed. Because of the one-sided propaganda of a few manufacturers, misleading feed dealers, farmers overemphasize color, yellow or golden yellow. Type for this kind of compound feed corn, soybean meal, the raw material of a single, fish meal, animal protein feed and cheap local meal consumption is not high or not, the raw material of "complementary" not fully reflected, soy protein of formula ratio may be more than 60% of total protein, such as poor quality, easy to cause diarrhea piglets shortcomings. It can be properly guided by means of technical training and demonstration, so as to promote healthy development of pig breeding.
2. Particle size
Pig feed is usually small granules. And 40-50% of the farmers like to buy pig feed to feed the growing pig, think there is quality assurance. In order to meet the psychological requirements of the farmers, some feed production plants are also made of small particles, which increase the production cost. Keep the particle size moderate, reduce unnecessary production cost, improve the inner quality of the product is the most critical.
Break the time in the water.
A lot of farmers are used to the pellet feed, and then add a small amount of corn flour, wheat bran to feed the pig, or add green fodder and by-products to feed the pigs. It is believed that the particle feed is fully dispersed in water within 1 minute, and the quality is guaranteed. It is a simple method to test the quality of feed for farmers, and it is inevitable to be partial. For example, the ratio of wheat in the formula (lower than corn) is above 8%, and the total divergence in water may exceed 1 minute. In response to the farmers' patient explanation, the amount of crude fiber content and bentonite should be controlled, and the fat content is more than 4%.
4. The "red"
"Skin ruddy, bright and bright" can raise the price of pig, especially commodity piglet. Parts manufacturers blindly use all sorts of so-called "and element" is kind of additive, large doses of arsenic preparation, subclinical doses of copper poisoning, etc., in order to improve the look of the commodity piglet fur, but inevitably some degree of damage to the environment. Nutritional balance is the most important, in which the energy (fat) is the primary factor, especially in the fall and winter, should not only guarantee the effective energy concentration of compound feed, and to maximize the pigs feed intake.
5. "black"
High copper significantly improves the production performance of piglets and makes the pig manure black. Some manufacturer blind propaganda and comparing, according to the degree of pig black to measure the quality of compound feed, so that copper content is higher and higher (individual is as high as 300 mg/kg), some also directly use crystal copper sulfate (particles). In addition to high copper, there are many measures to improve the production performance of piglets. In order to protect the ecological environment, it is suggested that the amount of copper in the piglet stage should be controlled at 125-150mg/kg, without the addition of high copper in the growth and fertility stage.
6. "sleep"
Some manufacturers use a lot of low-quality feed raw materials to reduce the cost, the pig's appetite is not high, the activity, the intake is frequent, the influence rest, in order to strengthen the pig to sleep only, to add the illicit drug in the feed. Illegal drugs that endanger human health must be banned and banned. Good nutrition balance, improve the inner quality of products is the most critical. "Eat - sleep - long" is the people in the long pig production practice, summarizes the trick, only raise pigs feed intake, ensure effective nutrient concentration in the diet, to fundamentally solve the problem of the pig "sleep".
7. "don't dilute"
Diarrhea of piglets is the main concern of pig producers. There are many factors causing diarrhea, mainly nutrition, bacterial, environment and so on. From the perspective of nutrition and feeding, mainly by adding the industrial synthesis of amino acids to reduce fodder antigenic protein level, reduce the proportion of feed, appropriate use of high quality animal protein feed, adding organic acids and enzymes, strengthen management measures to deal with.
8. "low price"
In economically underdeveloped areas, low price feed is relatively popular. However, this kind of feed is added with a lot of filler (rice bran, bentonite, etc.), which can cause indigestion and prolong the feeding cycle. We should advocate "high quality and good price" and make good publicity and explanation to farmers to reduce unnecessary disputes and complaints.
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